
SoulHeart Heroes: Sleeping Beauty Ch.5

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Chapter Five
The Reveal

Meanwhile, back at the cottage, everything is almost ready. The cake and dress are almost complete. Fauna and the others are lighting candles on the cake. However, the cake is a complete mess. The cake is out of proportion, sloppy, and is dripping. And it's already starting to melt. As it does, it starts to lean forward. But Fox grabbed a broom and held it there. Fauna and the boys looked over at the dress. Unfortunately, the dress is a bad joke, with Merryweather still standing as a dolly, not even amused.

“Well, what do you think of it?” asked Fauna, indicating the cake. Flora and the girls looked over, and were speechless and shocked by the cake's terrible look.

“Uhhhh....” said Glitter.

“Well, it's, um....” said Artic.

“Why, it's a very unusual cake, isn't it?” said Flora.

“PRETTY unusual, if you ask me” said Jade, raising an eyebrow. The candles began sliding down the broomstick on the melting icing. Fauna notices and quickly puts the candles back on the cake.

“Yes. Of course it'll be much after it's baked” said Fauna.

“Of course dear. What do you think of the dress?” asked Flora. Fauna and the boys came over to check out the dress. But they, too, were speechless by the terrible look of the dress.

“Adjectives fail me” said Bowser.

“I'm not sure how to describe it” said Marcus, scratching his head.

“If Rarity was here, she can judge it for us” said Drake.

“Well, the dress seems so …. peculiar” said Colins.

“THAT'S the word I was looking for!” smiled Bowser, with a snap of a finger.

“Well, it's not exactly the way it is in the book, is it?” said Fauna.

“Well, I improved it a bit” said Flora.

“I think we define “improved” differently, Flora” said Fox.

“But perhaps if I added few more ruffolds? What do you think?” asked Flora.

“I think so” said Fauna.

“What do you think, Merryweather?” asked Glitter.

“I think we've had enough of this nonsense! I think we ought to think of Rose, and what she'll think of this mess!” snapped Merryweather, letting out her frustration. She struggles out of the dress, which falls to pieces, and starts heading upstairs.

“I still think what I thunk before! I going to get those wands!” said Merryweather as she heads upstairs to get them. Back at the cake, it has finally melted into a pile of nothing. Now that they heard what Merryweather said, they all began to have second thoughts.

“You know, I think she's right” said Fauna. Tyler face-palmed himself in the face.

“Ohh, she's right. Without magic, it's a disaster!” groaned Tyler.

“Yeah! If Rarity was even here, she'll make the dress PERFECTLY” said Marcus.

“I agree. We did a terrible job on the dress” said Brenda, sadly.

“Not to mention the cake” said Bowser.

“If I have anything to say about the cake and dress, it'll be THIS....” said Stephanie, and points a finger in her mouth and imitates gagging. Merryweather then came back down, with the fairies' wands in her hands.

“Here they are! Good as new!” smiled Merryweather.

“Careful Merryweather!” said Flora as she takes the wands.

“You may be right, Merryweather. BUT if we do this your way, we HAVE to do it in a secretive matter. We have to be cautious” said Tyler.

“Quick everyone, lock the doors. And close the windows. We're taking no chances” said Glitter. Everyone then did as they were told.

“And now, you take care of the cake” said Flora to Fauna as she hands her the wand.

“While I--” said Merryweather.

“Clean the room, dear. And I'll make the dress. Well, hurry!” said Flora, and hands her the wand. Merryweather gets frustrated, but shrugs it off quickly. She turns to a bucket, mop, and broom, and uses her magic to bring them to life.

“Come on, bucket, mop, broom! Flora says clean up the room!” said Merryweather to them. The bucket, mop, and broom did as they were told.

“And now to make a lovely dress, fit the grace of fair princess” said Flora and turns a pink sheet into a beautiful part of the dress. Fauna has gathered all the ingredients to the table and brought them to life.

“Eggs, flour, milk! Just do it the way it's here in the book. I'll put on the candles” said Fauna to the ingredients. The big bag of flour walked over to the bowl and opens itself up. A cup then made pour three scoops of flour to the mixing bowl.

“So what are we supposed to do?” asked Hanson.

“I guess we should sit back and enjoy the show” said Tyler. With nothing to do, they just relaxed and watch the fairies do their work. But minutes later, just when things are going perfectly, Merryweather notices the pink color of the dress-in-progress.

“Oh no, not pink. Make it blue” said Merryweather. She uses her wand to change the dress into a blue color. But Flora is not happy about it.

“Merryweather!” exclaimed Flora. She turns to the dress.

“Make it pink” said Flora, changing the color back to pink.

“Blue” said Merryweather, changing it to blue.

“PINK!” said Flora getting frustrated. And changes it back to pink again.

“BLUE!” said Merryweather. But this time, Flora stands before the dress and Merryweather's magic hits her and changes her clothes to blue. Merryweather giggles, but not before Flora changes her clothes to pink. Then, as they kept doing it, they get into a color fight.

“Come on, don't fight” said Tyler as he steps in to break it up. But he immediately ducks when a pink magic comes right at him.

“Hey! Watch where you--” said Tyler, but gets hit and his scale color changes from blue to pink. He becomes alarmed when he looks at himself.

“Gah! I'm pink!” exclaimed Tyler. Many of his team members began laughing.

“Gahahahahaha!!!” laughed Bowser. But not before he gets hit and he turns into blue. That's when they realize things are getting out of hand.

“Everyone, hit the deck!” said Fox as he grabs Krystal and went under the table. Zorua leaps into a barrel as others tried to avoid it. Colins sees one coming at him, and uses Brenda as a shield. Brenda gets hit and changes into blue.

“Hey!” glared Brenda at Colins.

“Sorry!” said Colins. As payback, she grabs him and puts him in a path of a pink magic. It hits him and changes him into pink. As everyone tries to avoid getting hit, Fauna kept on making the cake, as nothing is even happening right now. The magic kept bouncing off the walls, all the way out of the chimney in fireworks. Unfortunately, it happened at a wrong time, because Diablo, Maleficent's raven, was flying nearby. As it continues its search for the princess, it sees colorful flashes in the distance. Cawing, it flew over and discovers a cottage. It sees magic coming out of the chimney and perches on top of it. It peeks into the chimney, only to get hit multiple times by magic. Inside, the “war” continues for Flora and Merryweather, until both magic hits the dress at the same time. Now it is hideous, as if two paint cans were splashed together on it.

“Oh, now look what you've done!” glared Flora.

“Oh man, this is embarrasing!” exclaimed Fox, now looking at his “blue” fur. Tyler and Glitter looked at each other, and both are pink. Tyler smiles at Glitter's color.

“Say, I think pink is a good look for you” smiled Tyler.

“Well, for you, it looks ridiculous on you” giggled Glitter. Then Fauna hears something and hushes everyone.

“Shh, listen!” shushed Fauna. Everyone listens and they heard faint singing in the distance. They immediately know who it is.

“It's Rose!” said Artic.

“She's back! Quick, enough of this foolishness!” said Flora. Everyone quickly cleans up as Flora turns to the dress.

“Make it pink” said Flora. She quickly grabs Fauna, who's lighting candles on the finished cake.

“Now quick, hide!” said Flora as she grabs her. Fauna quickly uses her magic to light up all the candles. Merryweather was about to hide, but sees the pink on the dress.

“Blue” said Merryweather and went to join the others, Outside, Briar Rose was hurrying towards the cottage with Applejack and the others.

“Everyone!” called out Briar Rose as she heads towards it. Everyone inside starts hiding, but Flora notices something.

“Good gracious! Who left the mop running?” asked Flora, when she sees the mop still cleaning on its own.

“Stop mop!” said Merryweather and uses her magic to make the mop dead as a stick.

“Ahem! Aren't you ladies FORGETTING something?” asked Tyler, reminding them on their changed colors. Flora quickly changes them back to their real colors. They all hid as Briar Rose opens the door and enters. As she does, Diablo appears behind the door and watches her.

“Flora! Tyler! Fox! Where is everybody?” said Briar Rose. Then she gasps when she sees a beautiful dress and cake laid out for her. Everyone then came out, surprising her.

“Surprise! Surprise!” smiled everyone.

“Happy Birthday, Rose!” smiled Applejack and the others. They embraced her as she embraced them happily.

“Oh, you darlings! This is the happiest moment of my life! Everything's so wonderful! Just wait till you meet him!” smiled Briar Rose.

“HIM?!?!?” exclaimed everyone in shock.

“Oh darn, here it comes....” groaned Applejack, pulling her hat down over her eyes. Tyler becomes concerned, and surprised.

“You've met some stranger, when I made it CLEAR not to?” asked Tyler to Rose.

“Yeah, she met this guy in the woods. Pretty handsome, I'd say” smiled Hobbes.

“Hobbes....has anyone ever told you that you got a big fat mouth?” asked Mushu, giving him the look.p

“Oh, he wasn't a stranger. We've met before” smiled Briar Rose.

“You have?” said Hanson.

“Where?” asked Krystal.

“Once upon a dream” smiled Briar Rose. Then she starts humming “Once upon a dream” while dancing dreamily. Everyone looked at each in confusion.

“Is anyone going to explain what is going on here?” asked Jade, since she just arrived here. Rose takes Fauna and dances with her. Fauna already sees what is really going on with her.

“She's in love!” said Fauna. To everyone, this is bad news.

“Oh no” said Merryweather.

“This is terrible” said Drake.

“This is not good” said Tyler. Briar Rose stops humming and dancing and becomes confused.

“Why? After all, I am sixteen” said Briar Rose.

“It isn't that, dear” said Flora.

“It's just that....we knew this day would come” said Tyler.

“What will come?” asked Briar Rose.

“The day....that we must tell you the truth” said Tyler.

“What is it you've been keeping from me?” asked Briar Rose.

“You see, you were already betrothed” said Glitter.

“Betrothed?” said Briar Rose.

“Since the day you were born” smiled Applejack.

“To prince Phillip, dear” said Fauna.

“But that's impossible! How can I marry a prince? I'd have to be...” said Briar Rose.

“A princess” smiled Merryweather.

“And that's who you are” smiled Marcus.

“You see, your name isn't truly Briar Rose. Your true name is Princess Aurora” explained Mewtwo. Diablo became surprised when it hears this and smiles evilly. It has found her.

“And tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan” said Tyler.

“But...but I can't! He's coming here tonight. I'd promise to meet him” said Briar Rose. Diablo flew off back to Maleficent to tell her its discovery.

“I'm sorry, Rose. But you must never see that man again. You are just not destined to marry that peasant. You are to be with prince Phillip. It's for your own good” said Tyler. Briar Rose became shocked when she hears this.

“Oh, no, no! I can't believe this! No, no!” cried Briar Rose, as she starts to break down crying. Tyler realizes what he said and tries to comfort her. But she ran upstairs to her room, crying.

“Rose! Wait!” said Tyler. He tries to follow her, but a blue aura forms on his body, holding him in his place. Tyler turns to see Mewtwo, using his telekinetic powers to keep Tyler from moving.

“Mewtwo, why'd you stop me?” asked Tyler, as Mewtwo releases his hold on him.

“It's best to leave her be for a short while. I sensed a broken heart within her. Let her be alone” suggested Mewtwo. Everyone else becomes sadden.

“And we thought she'd be so happy” said Merryweather sadly. Zorua walks over to his mother Zoroark.

“Mima? Will she be okay?” asked Zorua. Zoroark looks down at her son, and she clearly has sadden eyes. She doesn't even know. Chomper walks up to Tyler.

“Dad, is this even the right thing for Rose?” asked Chomper solemnly.

“I don't know, Chomper. I just don't know anymore” said Tyler sadly. Upstairs, Briar Rose cries face-down on her bad, thinking she will never see that man again.
Episode One of the SoulHeart Adventure Series
© 2014 - 2024 TylerthDragon
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MLPquang20-c's avatar

Kind of harsh for Aurora to finally know her origins, 16 is a devastating age for her to find out that most of her life out in the forest was a lie and that she was a princess the entire time.

I only hope that things would improve for her, you and your family & friends, Ty.